Here is the list of all the questions that I could think of. I will be updating this page whenever I would come across any question, which is already not answered here.
What is this blog all about?
How do you intend to make money from this?
How much is it going to cost to study at LSE?
Why don’t you try for scholarships?
Why don’t you get a job and earn your tuition fees?
What does Brewed Earnings tell me?
What does the title of the story tell me?
Can I take a look at your admission offer from LSE?
Why is your blog themed on coffee?
Have you ever written short stories before?
Will you be writing every short story yourself?
Isn't your idea similar to Alex Tew's Milliondollarhomepage?
Do you have a publicly stated privacy policy?
What is this blog all about?
This blog is an endeavor to fund my studies at LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science). This is a six-month project in which I will write short stories for these six months. The first short story would get published on the eve of 30th November 2007.
How do you intend to make money from this?
As you will notice, a lot of advertisements appear on my blog. So, the more popular this blog becomes the more people will visit it and this should drive my revenues.
How much is it going to cost to study at LSE?
The total cost, inluding the tuition and living expenses, for two years would be around GBP 55,000 i.e. approximately US $ 110,000.
Why don’t you try for scholarships?
The fact is some of the best scholarships for UK universities are for one-year taught masters courses only, and some other would come out with their final list of successful candidates only in July/August 2008. MSc in Economics is a two-year program and also, as I am required to attend LSE on the 1st of July 2008, I can’t afford to take any chances. Still, I am applying to 2/3 scholarship schemes.
Why don’t you get a job and earn your tuition fees?
I am already doing a full-time job in India. My job pays me well but it does so in Indian rupees. As you must be aware that £ 1 = approx. Rs 80, so to earn the kind of money that I want to I will have to rob a bank :)
What does Brewed Earnings tell me?
It simply tells the accrued earnings from this project till date.
What does the title of the story tell me?
The first part of the title i.e. #25 tells the story number and the latter part is the actual title of this 25th short story.
Can I take a look at your admission offer from LSE?
Yes. You definitely can. I have uploaded the scanned copy of the admission offer for the 2007-2009 session. Since I have deferred my admission to 2008-2010 session, I will upload the new offer letter as soon as I will receive it from LSE, which will be sometime in late January 2008. I have blurred the address details and my date of birth from this scanned document because of security reasons.
What is this blog all about?
How do you intend to make money from this?
How much is it going to cost to study at LSE?
Why don’t you try for scholarships?
Why don’t you get a job and earn your tuition fees?
What does Brewed Earnings tell me?
What does the title of the story tell me?
Can I take a look at your admission offer from LSE?
Why is your blog themed on coffee?
Have you ever written short stories before?
Will you be writing every short story yourself?
Isn't your idea similar to Alex Tew's Milliondollarhomepage?
Do you have a publicly stated privacy policy?
What is this blog all about?
This blog is an endeavor to fund my studies at LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science). This is a six-month project in which I will write short stories for these six months. The first short story would get published on the eve of 30th November 2007.
How do you intend to make money from this?
As you will notice, a lot of advertisements appear on my blog. So, the more popular this blog becomes the more people will visit it and this should drive my revenues.
How much is it going to cost to study at LSE?
The total cost, inluding the tuition and living expenses, for two years would be around GBP 55,000 i.e. approximately US $ 110,000.
Why don’t you try for scholarships?
The fact is some of the best scholarships for UK universities are for one-year taught masters courses only, and some other would come out with their final list of successful candidates only in July/August 2008. MSc in Economics is a two-year program and also, as I am required to attend LSE on the 1st of July 2008, I can’t afford to take any chances. Still, I am applying to 2/3 scholarship schemes.
Why don’t you get a job and earn your tuition fees?
I am already doing a full-time job in India. My job pays me well but it does so in Indian rupees. As you must be aware that £ 1 = approx. Rs 80, so to earn the kind of money that I want to I will have to rob a bank :)
What does Brewed Earnings tell me?
It simply tells the accrued earnings from this project till date.
What does the title of the story tell me?
The first part of the title i.e. #25 tells the story number and the latter part is the actual title of this 25th short story.
Can I take a look at your admission offer from LSE?
Yes. You definitely can. I have uploaded the scanned copy of the admission offer for the 2007-2009 session. Since I have deferred my admission to 2008-2010 session, I will upload the new offer letter as soon as I will receive it from LSE, which will be sometime in late January 2008. I have blurred the address details and my date of birth from this scanned document because of security reasons.

Please note that the information contained therein is only for verification purposes and you, as a visitor of my blog, will not use this information for any other purpose whatsoever.
Why is your blog themed on coffee?
Most of the book lovers tend to associate books with coffee. Some of the most well-known book stores have coffee joints also, and some of the most popular coffee chains stock books also. I want my stories to be a must part of every visitor to my blog, just like coffee is.
Have you ever written short stories before?
Quite frankly, I had had written only one short story before this project started though I have a personal blog where I have been writing for two years now. One of the things I want to accomplish is to write a book sometime, so this project is not only a challenge for me but also would be a launching pad for my literary ambitions. This is my first serious venture into writing and I am fully aware of the fact that my stories have to be interesting for my venture to be successful. All I can say is with every story I write I am only becoming better at it and hopefully I will keep churning out good stories for the next six months. At the end of this project I would get all the stories published in a book.
Will you be writing every short story yourself?
Yes, I will be writing every story and publishing it on this blog. All the short stories will be my intellectual property. I, Ankur Shanker, hold the copyright for these short stories.
Isn't your idea similar to Alex Tew's Milliondollarhomepage?
In essence, yes, it is similar but only in so far as the medium of revenue is concerned, which is online advertising. But the approach or the methodology to achieve that is entirely different. It is also where I got the name for my blog i.e. Milliondollarstory.
Do you have a publicly stated privacy policy?
Yes. You can refer to About Me